OpenGate Distributions Group

Mr Muscle Advanced Power Platinum Bathroom Cleaner 500ml - 1005078

Mr Muscle® Platinum Bathroom is tough on soap scum. Its powerful formula removes 100% of soap scum and kills 99.9% of germs with no harsh smells. It easily removes soap scum and grime from many bathroom surfaces, including baths, shower walls, vinyl shower curtains, shower doors, sinks and vanity tops.

Rotate Nozzle to ON position.
TO CLEAN: Spray 20cm (6-8 inches) from surface until thoroughly covered. For tough jobs, let stand several minutes before wiping. Rinse.
TO DISINFECT: Spray 20 cm (6-8 inches) from surface until thoroughly wet. Let surface stand wet for 5 minutes and wipe.
Can be used on all types of bathroom surfaces: baths, shower walls, vinyl shower curtains, shower doors, sinks, countertops and vanity tops. Cleans glazed ceramic tile, stainless steel, chrome fixtures, fiberglass, vinyl and glazed porcelain surfaces.
Spot test all other surfaces in an inconspicuous area.

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